Manny Leon

Born and raised on the west side of Tucson, Manny is a sixth generation Arizonan and first generation college graduate. Being the first in his family to graduate college, Manny understands how difficult it can be for students to navigate the college/major selection, admissions and financial aid processes. Manny is committed to improving college access for under-represented populations and hopes that, through broadening access, the Tucson community can better connect its past and present so that it can secure its future. Manny holds a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish with a minor in Mexican-American studies from The University of Arizona. He feels that the language and culture of southern Arizona are an important foundation and resource for the growth of Tucson. “Nunca andes con tu sombrero agachado, siempre levantado” – shared with me by grandfather Adan Ortiz translates to “Never walk with your hat lowered, always raised”